Senarath, Yasas, Steve Peterson, Hemant Purohit, Amanda L. Hughes, & Keri K. Stephens (2021). Mining Risk Behaviors from Social Media for Pandemic Crisis Preparedness and Response
Li, Yajie, Amanda L. Hughes, and Peter D. Howe (2021). Toward Win-Win Message Strategies: The Effects of Persuasive Message Content on Retweet Counts during Natural Hazard Events
Chauhan, Apoorva and Amanda L. Hughes (2021). COVID-19 Named Resources on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit
LaLone, Nicolas James, Amanda L. Hughes, and Andrea H. Tapia (2021). More Than Milling: The Pause to Verify During Crisis Events
Stephens, Keri K., Karim Nader, Anastazja G. Harris, Carolyn E. Montagnolo, Amanda L. Hughes, Ashley Jarvis, Yasas Senarath, Hemant Purohit (2021). Online-Computer-Mediated Interviews and Observations: Overcoming Challenges and Establishing Best Practices in a Human-AI Teaming Context
Geris, Kira, Kayla Bowman, Aatish Neupane, Amanda L. Hughes, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Ryan West, Jonathan M. Balzotti, Derek L. Hansen (2021). Simulating Municipal Cybersecurity Incidents: Recommendations from Expert Interviews
Chauhan, Apoorva and Amanda L. Hughes (2020). Trustworthiness Perceptions of Social Media Resources Named after a Crisis Event
Hansen, Derek L., Amanda L. Hughes, Sophie Cram, Austin B. Harker, Brinnley Ashton, Karli Hirschi, Ben Dorton, Nate Bothwell, and Ashley Stevens (2020). The DELAY Framework: Designing for Extended LAtencY
St. Denis, Lise Ann, Amanda L. Hughes, Jeremy Diaz, Kylen Solvik, Maxwell B. Joseph, and Jennifer K. Balch (2020). 'What I Need to Know is What I Don't Know!': Filtering Disaster Twitter Data for Information from Local Individuals
Hiltz, Roxanne, Amanda L. Hughes, Muhammad Imran, Linda Plotnick, Robert Power, and Murray Turoff (2020). Exploring the Usefulness and Feasibility of Software Requirements for Social Media Use in Emergency Management
Hughes, Amanda L. (2019). Site-Seeing in Disaster: Revisiting Online Social Convergence a Decade Later
Peterson, Steve, Kerri K. Stephens, Amanda L. Hughes, and Hemant Purohit (2019). When Official Systems Overload: A Framework for Finding Social Media Calls for Help during Evacuations
Hiltz, Roxanne, Amanda L. Hughes, Muhammad Imran, Linda Plotnick, Robert Power, and Murray Turoff (2019). Requirements for Software to Support the Use of Social Media in Emergency Management: A Delphi Study
Tapia, Andrea H., Amanda L. Hughes, and Nicolas J. LaLone (2018). The Verification Pause: When Information Access Slows Reaction to Crisis Events
Li, Yajie, Amanda L. Hughes, and Peter D. Howe (2018). Communicating Crisis with Persuasion: Examining Official Twitter Messages on Heat Hazards
St. Denis, Lise Ann and Amanda L. Hughes (2018). Crisis Cleanup: Creating a Virtual Command Post to Support Relief Organizations on the Ground
Chauhan, Apoorva and Amanda L. Hughes (2018). Social Media Resources Named after a Crisis Event
Palen, Leysia and Amanda L. Hughes (2018). Social Media in Disaster Communication
Reuter, Christian, Amanda L. Hughes, Marc-Andre Kaufhold (2018). Social Media in Crisis Management: An Evaluation and Analysis of Crisis Informatics Research
Chauhan, Apoorva and Amanda L. Hughes (2017). Providing Online Crisis Information: An Analysis of Official Sources during the 2014 Carlton Complex Wildfire
Said, Maurice, Amanda L. Hughes, Susan Anson, Hayley Watson, Michael Klafft, Karin Metz and Eridy Lukau (2017). Understanding Cross-Cultural Adoption of a First Aid App
Hughes, Amanda L. and Rohan Shah (2016). Designing an Application for Social Media Needs in Emergency Public Information Work
Klafft, Michael, Maurice Said, Susan Anson, Hayley Watson, Amanda L. Hughes and Eridy Lukau (2016). Challenges in Designing and Distributing a Not For Profit First Aid App Worldwide
Hughes, Amanda L., Kate Starbird, Alex Leavitt, Brian Keegan, and Bryan Semaan (2016). Information Movement Across Social Media Platforms During Crisis Events
Chauhan, Apoorva and Amanda L. Hughes (2016). Online Mentioning Behavior during Hurricane Sandy: References, Recommendations, and Rebroadcasts
Trilateral Research, Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems, Utah State University (Amanda L. Hughes), and the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (2016). Comparative Review of the First Aid App
Hughes, Amanda L., Tapia, Andrea H. (2015). Social Media in Crisis: When Professional Responders Meet Digital Volunteers
Hughes, Amanda L. and Chauhan, Apoorva (2015). Online Media as a Means to Affect Public Trust in Emergency Responders
Chauhan, Apoorva and Hughes, Amanda L. (2015). Facebook and Twitter Adoption by Hurricane Sandy-affected Police and Fire Departments
Hughes, Amanda L., Steve Peterson, and Leysia Palen (2014). Social Media in Emergency Management
Hughes, Amanda L., Lise A. St. Denis, Leysia Palen and Kenneth M. Anderson (2014). Online Public Communications by Police & Fire Services during the 2012 Hurricane Sandy
Hughes, Amanda L. (2014). Participatory Design for the Social Media Needs of Emergency Public Information Officers
Hughes, Amanda L. (2012). Supporting the Social Media Needs of Emergency Public Information Officers with Human-Centered Design and Development
Hughes, Amanda L. and Leysia Palen (2012). The Evolving Role of the Public Information Officer: An Examination of Social Media in Emergency Management
St. Denis, Lise A., Amanda L. Hughes and Leysia Palen (2012). Trial by Fire: The Deployment of Trusted Digital Volunteers in the 2011 Shadow Lake Fire
Starbird, Kate, Leysia Palen, Sophia B. Liu, Sarah Vieweg, Amanda Hughes, Aaron Schram, Kenneth Mark Anderson, Mossaab Bagdouri, Joanne White, Casey McTaggart, and Chris Schenk (2012). Promoting Structured Data in Citizen Communications during Disaster Response: An Account of Strategies for Diffusion of the "Tweak the Tweet" Syntax. In Christine Hagar (Ed) Crisis Information Management: Communication and Technologies, Chandos Publishing, pp. 43-63.
Palen, Leysia, Kate Starbird, Sarah Vieweg, and Amanda Hughes (2010). Twitter-based Information Distribution During the 2009 Red River Valley Flood Threat
Starbird, Kate, Leysia Palen, Amanda L. Hughes, and Sarah Vieweg (2010). Chatter on the Red: What Hazards Threat Reveals about the Social Life of Microblogged Information
Vieweg, Sarah, Amanda Hughes, Kate Starbird, Leysia Palen (2010). Microblogging During Two Natural Hazards Events: What Twitter May Contribute to Situational Awareness
Palen, Leysia, Sarah Vieweg, Sophia B. Liu, and Amanda Hughes. (2009). Crisis in a Networked World: Features of Computer-Mediated Communication in the April 16, 2007 Virginia Tech Event
Hughes, Amanda L. and Leysia Palen (2009). Twitter Adoption and Use in Mass Convergence and Emergency Events
Liu, Sophia, Leysia Palen, Jeanette Sutton, Amanda Hughes, and Sarah Vieweg (2009). Citizen Photojournalism During Crisis Events. In Stuart Allen and Einar Thorsen (Eds), Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives, Peter Lang Publishing Group, New York, pp. 43-63.
Hughes, Amanda, Leysia Palen, Jeanette Sutton, Sophia Liu, and Sarah Vieweg (2008). "Site-Seeing" in Disaster: An Examination of On-Line Social Convergence
Vieweg, Sarah, Leysia Palen, Sophia Liu, Amanda Hughes, and Jeannette Sutton (2008). Collective Intelligence in Disaster: Examination of the Phenomenon in the Aftermath of the 2007 Virginia Tech Shooting
Liu, Sophia, Leysia Palen, Jeanette Sutton, Amanda Hughes, and Sarah Vieweg (2008). In Search of the Bigger Picture: The Emergent Role of On-Line Photo Sharing in Times of Disaster